Introduction !!

Heyhi!! My names Evan.. my prns are he/him
, 4teen ,


  • 18+

  • Racist, homophobic, transphoic ppl.

  • Dry dry people..


  • Music, painting, decorating, collecting

  • Bsd, ohshc, tbhk, hxh, st,

  • Astronamy, reading & writing, drumming


I'm Hispanic and Russian, and I'm bisexual!!
I love coffee and candy
I have a cat named Colby, I love him very much.


I love u guys!! u guys = Mike, Liv, Riley, Juni, Zion, Beau, Rl, Kishi, Melina, Lillie, Sky, Jasper & Ash!!
IRLs = Ari, Emma, Summer, Ailyn, Alexa <33